Empowering Communities Globally
By supporting the Paint the City Purple Campaign (PTCP), you join a worldwide network dedicated to preventing domestic violence. PTCP is on a mission to create safe spaces, offer educational resources, and empower survivors, advocates, and communities to understand, prevent, and respond to abuse. Together, we’re building a global foundation of strength and resilience against violence.
Raising Awareness Through Visibility
Our Paint the City Purple Campaign is about creating visibility that cannot be ignored. Through high-visibility events, media campaigns, and global partnerships, PTCP rallies communities to “paint” cities purple, symbolizing zero tolerance for domestic violence. United, we make the message unmistakable: abuse has no place here.
Supporting Survivors with Resources and Networks
Survivors deserve compassion and support that empowers them to rebuild. PTCP’s Global Initiative provides critical resources such as counseling, legal guidance, and safe shelters. We also train advocates and supply resources to communities, making help readily available to those who need it most, where they need it.
Engaging the Next Generation
At PTCP, we believe that lasting change begins with youth. Through global partnerships, we equip young people with tools to foster healthy relationships, recognize signs of abuse, and become advocates within their communities. Together, we’re shaping a world where empathy, respect, and integrity are foundational values for the next generation.
Creating a Legacy of Change
Our movement is more than an awareness campaign; it’s a commitment to lasting change. Supporting PTCP is an investment in a future free from domestic and gender-based violence. Every donation, partnership, and pledge strengthens the foundation of this movement, ensuring that the impact of our work endures, creating a legacy of empowerment and safety for all.